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Showing posts from May, 2020

The Rise Of Sticky Banners | Pros & Cons

` A banner is a form of digital advertisement. That usually stays floating on the respective websites you are surfing on. These banners bind to the website. The consumer has paid for their ads to be. Sticky banners are the best way to advertise and promote your brand image. Benefits You Get With Sticky Banners: With the rise in digital media. Every business is trying to get there front at online marketing. Sticky banners have been proved to raise the brand image. The more ads you click the more businesses get. They are a great source for ad revenue. A Creatively made banner can give your website ad revenue. YouTubers get ad revenues with banners. Easily customizable. Disadvantages: Even if Sticky Banners are a good way of advertising and promoting. There are still many problems it can cause. The ads can block the content of your add. Many websites don’t allow your banners. With that, it can be an obstacle in revenue. If you don’t have information about adding bann