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Showing posts from November, 2018

History of Vibrant and Beautiful Custom Cardboard Boxes

Have you ever thought about how unimportant and insignificant piece of materials such as custom cardboard packaging boxes  have such a beautiful and vibrant history? The packaging we see today is the result of a long-term development process. Most of the packaging-related things changed during the First World War and the Second World War, and the packaging scene changed dramatically to protect the soldiers' food in the theater. History of Cardboard Boxes: The custom cardboard boxes were discovered by Robert Gale, who thought of the pre-cut cardboard panel when folded into a box. This was the birth of the modern packaging industry. Its affordable price and ease of transportation make it the most widely used packaging method at the beginning of this century. With the changes of the times, people have found more complicated but easy packaging methods. A number of technological innovations followed. In the 1940s, packaging for frozen foods was developed. In 1952, aerosols e

Why Custom Lotion Boxes Are an Important Source of Brand Awareness

There are many products available in the market today, and customers believe that finding the right product is a challenging task. All of the brands offered in the store are mostly similar, so choosing a unique package is very important. Buyers are most likely to be attracted to packaging, and some of them may rate or judge your products based on it. Custom lotion boxes  are an important source of brand awareness and sales promotion. Top brands understand the importance of packaging, so they are passionate about using innovative packaging in their new product line. If you use high-quality custom lotion boxes for your lotion, every customer who walks into the cosmetics store can even judge the quality by looking at it. This means that you will not be able to capture their appeal based on the package. The use of high-tech printed lotions is a unique source of uniqueness for your packaging. If you're good at designing, you can create your own packaging, or you can hire an